Sermon Archive
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8/9/24 Ken Keyte who is the Holy Spirit
1/9/24 Ken Keyte Gospel Positioning System
25/08/24 Ken Keyte How and why should I read the Bible?
18/08/24 Alan Jameison Acts 11
11/8/24 Maree Rauhala Renew Together Week 3
4/8/24 Ken Keyte Acts 10
28/7/24 David Czepanski Renew Together Week 1
21/7/24 Patsy Way Importance of Prayer
14/7/24 Ken Keyte What is faith?
7/7/24 Ken Keyte Why did Jesus die?
30/6/24 Patsy Way Matariki Thanksgiving
23/6/24 Ken Keyte Who is Jesus?
16/6/24 Ken Keyte What Alpha is Like
9/6/24 Ruth McKenzie My times are in Your Hands
2/6/24 Ken Keyte Cross Shaped Contentment
26/5/24 Ken Keyte Trinity Sunday
19/5/24 Ken Keyte The Inevitable Pentecost
12/5/24 Ken Keyte Cross Shaped Reconcilers
5/5/24 Ken Keyte Cross Shaped Heroes
28/04/24 Patsy Way Bonsai Christians
21/04/24 Ken Keyte Cross Shaped Citizens
14/04/24 Ken Keyte Cross Shaped Learners
07/4/24 Ken Keyte Cross Shaped Church 3
31/3/24 Ken Keyte Easter Sunday
24/3/24 Patsy Way Palm Sunday
17/3/24 Greg Liston Kingdom Come
10/3/24 Greg Liston Apocalypse Now
3/3/24 Greg Liston Three Course Corrections
25/2/24 Peter Thomas Counting The Cost
25/2/24 Peter Thomas Faith Story
18/2/24 Ken Keyte Philippians 3:17 - 4:1 ; 9
11/2/24 Ken Keyte - Cross Shaped Formation
4/2/24 Ken Keyte - Waitangi Day 2024
28/01/24 Peter Reid Don't be Luke Warm
21/01/24 Climate Change
14/01/24 Matthew 6: 25-34
31/12/23 Mark 6: 45-52
25/12/23 Christmas Day service
24/12/23 Ken Keyte Psalm 131
17/12/23 Ken Keyte Psalm 133 - Joy
10/12/23 Patsy Way Mary and Martha Christmas
3/12/23 Ken Keyte Psalm 124 - Gospel Gratitude
26/11/23 Ken Keyte Psalm 130 - Hope
19/11/23 Ken Keyte Pilgrims Progress #8 - Perseverance
12/11/23 Brian Kenning His Life Journey